Smile Design - Diş Hekimi Ahmet Yavuz Demir

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Psychological problems in individuals with disorders of tooth color and shape up to be causing problems.

The development of aesthetic and restorative materials in dentistry, many shapes, colors, and position defects easily solved. Here it plays a very important function in Smile Design.

What is Smile Design?

Smile design, medicine and the application of art, ideal for you to renew your smile designsmile. With some personal wishes you a healthy smile is to plan, combining health and natural looking.

Smile Design Where to Start?

Other factors determining the expression of the aesthetic that suits you smile:
facial Lines
Your age
smile symmetry
And the colors of your teeth are shown as

Male and female anatomy is different from each other. In men, sharper and more pronounced facial features. Get the nose, chin, tip of the proportion of women varies face. Softer than the nose and eyebrow arches siliktir transitions in women. There are teeth in the same parallels.

Returns to the softer edges of the teeth,
Laughter lines curved upwards,

The two middle teeth slightly longer than the adjacent teeth,
There are tiny gaps between the edges of adjacent teeth.

United in a straight line than the adjacent teeth,
Lines of the teeth is more pronounced,
More laughter lines are straight.

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